Friday, November 25, 2011

HP QTP 11.5 Testing Process

Testing Process
The QuickTest testing process consists of the following main phases:
 1 Analyzing your application
The first step in planning your test is to analyze your application to determine your testing needs.
➤ What are your application’s development environments (for example Web, Java, or .NET)? You will need load QuickTest add-ins for these environments to enable QuickTest to identify and work with the objects in your application.
➤ What business processes and functionality do you want to test? To answer this, think about the various activities that customers perform in your application to accomplish specific tasks.
➤ Consider how to divide these business processes into smaller units.You will be creating actions based on these tasks. Smaller and more modular actions make your tests easier to read and follow, and help
ease maintenance in the long run.
At this stage, you can already begin creating test skeletons and adding actions to them.

 2 Preparing the testing infrastructure
Based on your testing needs, you determine what resources are required and create these resources, accordingly. Resources include shared object repositories containing test objects (which are representations of the objects in your application), function libraries containing functions that
enhance QuickTest functionality, and so on.You also need to configure QuickTest settings so that QuickTest will perform the tasks you need, such as displaying a results report every time
you run a test.

3 Building your tests and adding steps to them
After the testing infrastructure is ready, you can begin building your tests. You can create one or more empty tests and add actions to them to create the testing skeletons. You associate your object repositories with the
relevant actions, and associate your function libraries with the relevant tests, so that you can insert steps using keywords. You may also need to
configure test preferences at this point.

 4 Enhancing your test
Inserting checkpoints into your test lets you search for a specific value of a page, object, or text string, which helps you determine whether your
application is functioning correctly.Broadening the scope of your test, by replacing fixed values with parameters, lets you check how your application performs the same
operations with multiple sets of data. Adding logic and conditional or loop statements enables you to add sophisticated checks to your test.

 5 Debugging, running, and analyzing your test
You debug a test to ensure that it operates smoothly and without interruption. After the test is working correctly, you run it to check the behavior of your application. While running, QuickTest opens the
application and performs each step in your test.You examine the run results to pinpoint defects in your application.

 6 Reporting defects
If you have QualityCenter installed, you can report the defects you
discover to a database. QualityCenter is the HP test management

HP Brings New Certification Exams for QTP 11.0 & QC 11.0 from July 2011

HP Brings New Certification Exams for QTP 11.0 & QC 11.0 from July 2011:-HP has phased out the AIS - HP Quality Center v10 certification from 01 July 2011. Let us see a quick comparison as to what was the situation earlier versus what is now.

 What was Earlier?
What is available Now?
AIS - HP Quality Center certification used to be awarded after clearing two exams like
1) QTP 10.0
2) QC 10.0
HP AIS certification is now being awarded upon clearing just a single exam either focussing on 1) QTP 11.0
2) Quality Center 11.0.
HP QuickTest Professional 10.0 Software (Exam Code: HP0-M39)
HP Functional Testing 11.x software (Exam Code: HP0-M47)

Short name - FTv11
HP Quality Center 10.0 Software (Exam Code: HP0-M31)
HP Application Lifecycle Management 11.x Software (Exam Code: HP0-M46)

Short name - ALM v11
Certification exams had been active till 31st July 2011
Certification exams are active from 15th May 2011
Summary of New Certifications:-HP AIS (Accredited Integration Specialist) certification is now being awarded upon clearing just a single exam focussing either on QTP 11.0 or Quality Center 11.0.
For getting AIS HP certifications, following two independent paths are available now.
1) For aspirants willing to get certification focussing on QTP 11.0 – the available exam is HPO-M47 (Functional Testing 11.x software).2) For aspirants willing to get certification focussing on QC 11.0 – the available exam is HPO-M46 (HP Application Lifecycle Management 11.x Software).
A) Highlights of New QTP 11.0 Exam: New exam HP0-M47 replaces old HP QuickTest Professional 10.0 exam HP0-M39.
a) The new certification is now being called HP AIS – Functional Testing v11
b) Exam details:
# Number of Questions: 72
# Type of Question: multiple choice, drag-and-drop, and point and click
# Exam time: 105 minutes
# Passing score: 75%
The following testing objectives represent the specific areas of content covered in the exam.
The exam HPO-M47 measures the candidates understanding of these areas.
Coverage %
 Sections / Objectives
Automated test planning

# Plan for general testing and automation.
# Plan for QTP testing.
# Identify and describe features and settings.
# Explain QTP licensing and packaging.
Basic test creation and how QTP works with objects
# Create the basic test.
# Explain how QTP works with objects.
# Add steps without recording.
# Explain the purpose and operation of Smart Identification feature.
Basic test verification and enhancement

# Add standard and custom verification points.
# Enhance tests with parameters.
# Add custom checkpoints.
# Add database checkpoints.
# Add bitmap checkpoints.
# View test results.
Modular automated test builds

# Explain how to build modular QTP tests with Actions.
# I Use a Shared Object Repository.
QTP and ALM integration

# Explain the QTP/ALM connection.
# Define ALM management of QTP resources.
# Explain versioning features in QTP
Automated test troubleshooting

# Troubleshoot Object Recognition problems.
# Use Recovery scenarios.
# Use the Debugging Tool.
# Measure System Performance.
# Configure log tracking.
Advanced QTP Scripting

# Import and export Excel sheets.
# Get and set object properties.
# Identify descriptive programming to bypass repository.
Expert View

# Describe Expert View features.
# Describe dynamic object programming.
# Identify and describe VBScript elements.
Web applications

# Recognize Web Add-in Extensibility.
# Describe Web event recording use and configuration.
# Identify new web testing capabilities.
New Features of QuickTest Professional

# Visual Relation Identification
# Log Tracking
# Improved Regular Expressions
# New Results Viewer
# GUI and GUI-Less Testing
# Loading Function Libraries at Run-Time

HPO-M47 50 QTP 11.X Certification Questions and Answers

50 QTP Certification Questions and Answers

1. The Toolbar enables you to view the details of an individual Action or the entire Test flow is
1. Testing toolbar
2. None of the above
3. Action toolbar
4. Test Pane

2. The key that is used to Start/End analog Recording mode ?
1. F3
4. F10

3.QuickTest supports virtual object for anolog or low-level recording.
1. False
2. True

4. To use a specific property to identify your object, but that property is not listed in the properties list. Then how do you identify that object?
1. Add the specific property to the list
2. Use the Default property
3. Use some other property to identify your object

5. The CHECKPOINT used to check the alt attribute exists for all relevant Objects (such as images) is
1. DataBase CheckPoint
2. Accessibility checkpoint
3. Bitmap checkpoint
4. STANDARD checkpoint

6. Bitmap checkpoint is supported in VB environment.
1. True
2. False

7.Can we parameterize the Checkpoints properties?
1. No
2. Yes

8. What is the shortcut key that is used for a Standard Checkpoint?
1. F12
2. F2
3. F10
4. F7

9.Can we change name of checkpoint?
1. No
2. Yes

10. To compares the values of the specified property during a run session with the values stored for the same test object property within the test.
1. Checkpoint
2. All the above
3. Output Value
4. Compare the object property

11. You will use the recording mode for an object not recognized by QuickTest.
1. Low-Level Recording Mode
2. Normal recording Mode
3. Analog Mode

12. The statement that calls the recorded analog file is
1. RunAnalog
2. CallAnalog
3. ExecuteAnalog

13. An action can be called by other tests or Actions is
1. Call Action
2. Split Action
3. Reusable action

14. You can replace the page in your Active Screen tab
1. False
2. True

15. QuickTest adds a checkpoint statement in the Expert View as
1. Check Checkpoint
2. Checkpoint

16.A Checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows application is
1. Accessibility
2. Text Area
3. Standard
4. Text

17. In ActiveX environment an â€Å“Accessibility checkpoint” is supported.
1. No
2. Yes

18. Can we get the execution time for an action in a Test.
1. Yes
2. No

19. Can we add external library files in QTP?
1. No
2. Yes

20. The method used to get data from HTML Table is
1. GetData(Row,Col)
2. GetRowValue(Rowid,Colname)
3. GetCellData (Row,Col)

21.The Command used to insert the transactions in test is,
1. StartTransaction(â€Å“Name”), EndTransaction(â€Å“Name”)
2. Services.StartTransaction “Name”, Services.EndTransaction “Name”
3. “Name”, “Name”

22. A step in which one or more values are captured at a specific point in your test and stored for the duration of the run session is
1. Output Value
2. Checkpoints
3. Active Screen

23. QuickTest can detects an Application crash and activate a defined recovery scenario to continue the run session.
1. True
2. false

24. In Batch Test process, the test list are saved in file format as,
1. *.mtb
2. *.mts
3. *.mbt
4. *.mtr

25.The command used to invoke other application from QTP,
1. InvokeApplication
2. SystemUtil.Run
3. Run
4. Both b & c
5. Both a & b

26.The command used to retrieve data from excel sheet is
1. Set ab = Connection(”srcfilepath “) , Set ws = ab.getdata(sheetid)
2. Set ab = CreateObject(”srcfilepath “) , Set ws = ab.getsheet(sheetid)
3. Set ab = GetObject(”srcfilepath”) , Set ws = ab.worksheets(sheetid)

27. The method that explicitly activates the recovery scenario mechanism is,
1. recovery.activate
2. enable
3. recovery.enable
4. activate

28. The method used for sending information to the test Results.
1. Reporter.log()
2. Reporter.REPORTEVENT()
3. Reporter.MsgBox()
4. Reporter.Report()

29.To terminate an application that is not responding we use,
1. SystemUtil.terminate
2. SystemUtil.Stop
3. SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName

30.The recovery mechanism does not handle triggers that occur in the last step of a test
1. false
2. True

31. We can add Test object methods, function calls into the Test using
1. Function generator
2. Step Generator
3. Object Repository

32. The method that adds to the test while implementing Synchronization is
1. Synchronize
2. Wait
3. WaitProperty
4. Pause

33. The mechanism used to identify objects during run session is
1. Recovery scenario
2. Smart identification
3. Handling object

34.Post-recovery test run Options specifies
1. how to continue the run session after QTP identify the event
2. errors while Running
3. recovery scenario during a run session

35. The action that can be called multiple times by the test as well as by other tests is called
1. Non-Reusable action
2. Reusable action
3. External action

36. The command used to connect with Database is
1. Createobject(â€Å“connectivity name”)
2. dbconnect(â€Å“connectivity name”)
3. open(â€Å“connectivity name”)
4. None of the above

37. The method used to retrieve the folders is
1. FileSystemObject.Getfolder()
2. FileSystemObject.selectfolder()
3. FileSystemObject.retrievefolder()

38. The method used to compare 2 XML files is:
2. XMLcompare(file1,file2)
3. compare(XMLfile1,XMLfile2)

39. The QTP script files are stored in the extension of
1. *.mts
2. *.usr
3. *.mtr
4. *.vbs

40. The method used to register the user-defined function with test object is
1. setFunc()
2. RegisterUserFunc()
3. RegisterFunc()

41. The method used to open the specified URL in a browser is
1. openURL()
2. navigateURL()
3. navigate()

42. The 3 Parameter types available in data Driver is
1. DataTable,Environment,Random number
2. DataTable,random number,unique
3. environment,string,numeric

43. The method added to the test while Parameterizing is
1. get Data (variable, dtGlobalSheet)
2. get DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)
3. Set Data(variable, dtGlobalSheet)
4. Set DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)

44. The length of the array can be get by the method
1. length(array)
2. ubound(array)
3. count(array)

45. The method used to get the count value of list box or combo box os
1. GetItemsCount
2. GetCount
3. GetItemCount

46. To retrieve the current property value of the objects in your application during the run session.
1. GetVisibleText
2. GetROProperty
3. SetROProperty
4. GetTOProperty

47. In data base check point we can not set the expected value from the test?
1. True
2. False
48. The list of test objects and their properties and values are stored in the
1. Object Repository
2. Object Identification

49. The method used to continue the test execution after getting run-time error is
1. On Error Resume Next
2. On Error Raise Next
3. On Error Next

50.Object repository file extension is?
1.  .Obj
2.  .Orf
3.  .Tsr

HP QTP Certification HPO-M47 Practice Exam Questions

Q - 462: Which checkpoint type should you use to validate the enabled state of a button?
A. Text
B. Standard
C. Bitmap

Q - 463: Which term is used to define a string of special characters that define the condition of the search?
A. Constant expression
B. Placeholder
C. Regular expression
D. Parameter

Q - 464: You have multiple test cases that require you to test valid and invalid username and password combinations. Which parameter type should you use?
A. Output
B. Input
C. Random Number
D. Environment

Q - 465: Where is data for an Input parameter stored?
A. Run-time Data Table
B. Design-time Data Table
C. Run-time Data Repository
D. Design-time Data Repository

Q - 466: User-defined environment variables can be imported from an external file. What is the valid file type that can be imported?
A. txt
B. xml
C. csv
D. html

Q - 467: After playing back a test containing output values, where can the output values be viewed?
A. Global Data Table
B. Local Data Table
C. Design-time Data Table
D. Run-time Data Table

Q - 468: Which status is reported in the Test Results Summary if the test does not include checkpoints?
A. Fail
B. Passed
C. Done
D. Complete

Q - 469: You ran a test scenario with 10 iterations. What does the Test Results Summary report if 8 iterations pass and 2 iterations fail?
A. The summary reports PASS because more iterations passed than failed.
B. The summary reports the status for each iteration.
C. The summary reports DONE.
D. The summary reports FAIL because all iterations did not pass.

Q - 470: A tester uses QuickTest Professional connected to Quality Center and the tests are stored in Quality Center. At an upcoming conference, this tester wants to demonstrate a new QuickTest Professional test.
The test makes calls to reusable actions from other QuickTest Professional tests stored in Quality Center.
What is the simplest way to make the test portable so it can run disconnected from Quality Center?
A. Use the QuickTest Professional Save test with resources feature.
B. Change the calls to the reusable actions, use copies of the reusable actions, and then use the QuickTest Professional Save test with resources feature.
C. Use the QuickTest Professional Save test with resources feature for main test and do the same for the test that contains the called reusable actions.
D. Use the QuickTest Professional Export to zip feature.

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions - Q.461 to Q 470 are as under:
Question No.    Correct Answer
Q. 461    In Picture
Q. 462    B
Q. 463    C
Q. 464    B
Q. 465    B
Q. 466    B
Q. 467    D
Q. 468    C
Q. 469    B
Q. 470    A

HP QTP Certification HPO-M47 Practice Exam Questions

Q - 471: What happens when a tester performs an Insert > Call to Copy of Action?
A. The local Data Table and the run iterations settings (in action call properties) are copied over.
B. The steps, checkpoints, parameterizations, action parameters, and object repository are all copied over.
C. Only the called action, but none of its child actions (that is, actions called by it), is copied over.
D. The Use data stored with the original action is disabled.

Q - 472: Which feature displays all the test's actions?
A. Actions tree within the Resources panel
B. Test Flow panel
C. Flow Viewer panel
D. Test Action Manager Tool

Q - 473: Where are the local data sheet iterations specified?
A. Test Run Properties
B. Action Settings
C. Action Call Properties
D. Test Flow Settings

Q - 474: When inserting a call to a reusable action, how are the data resources in that action handled?
A. The data continues to be stored with the original action (read-only) and the new action refers to it.
B. A copy of the data is made (editable) and stored with the new action.
C. The tester must make a one-time selection to either copy the data or refer to the original data.
D. The tester always has the option to copy the data or refer to the original data.

Q - 475: Where do you go to modify a shared object repository?
A. Resources > Object Repository Manager
B. Resources > Object Repository
C. Tools > Object Repository Manager
D. Tools > Resources Manager > Object Repository

Q - 476: Which QuickTest Professional tool uses the Object Repositories Merge Tool?
A. Map Repository Parameters Tool
B. Update from Local Repository Tool
C. Object Repository Comparison Tool
D. Update from Application Tool

Q - 477: Which conflicts does the Objects Repositories Merge Tool detect? (Select three.)
A. Same object different parent
B. Same name different description
C. Same description different name
D. Same name extra properties
E. Similar description

Q - 479: Click the Exhibit button.

You are creating a recovery scenario to handle the pop-up shown in the exhibit. Which recovery option should you select?
A. Keyboard or mouse operation
B. Close application process
C. Function call
D. Restart Microsoft Windows

Q - 480: What is the correct syntax for a programmatic description?
A. WebEdit("Name:=Author" , Index:=3)
B. WebEdit("Name:=Author" , "Index:=3")
C. WebEdit("Name:=Author";"Index=3")
D. WebEdit("Name:=Author";"Index:=3)

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions - Q.471 to Q 480 are as under:
Question No.
Correct Answer
Q. 471
Q. 472
Q. 473
Q. 474
Q. 475
Q. 476
Q. 477
Q. 478
In Picture
Q. 479
Q. 480

HP QTP Certification HPO-M47 Practice Exam Questions

Q - 481: When is it best to use a programmatic description?

A. When you work with properties and methods of an object not in the object repository

B. When you are retrieving a property from a static run-time object

C. When you are retrieving a property from a test object

D. When you need to click static buttons

Q - 482: Which operator do you use to concatenate two strings in VBScript?

A. &
B. &&
C. concat
D. ++

Correct Answers to Above Questions - Q.481 to Q 490 are as under:

Question No.
Correct Answer
Q. 481
Q. 482

HP QTP Certification HPO-M47 Practice Exam Questions

HP QTP Certification HP-M016 Practice Exam Questions

Q1. How many tabs are there in Test Settings (File->Settings) window
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8

Q2. 'Browser navigation timeout' is in which tab of Test Settings (File->Settings) window?
A) Properties
B) Resources
C) Web
D) Web Settings

Q3. Identify the tabs in the Test Settings (File->Settings) window
A) Properties, Run, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web, Recovery
B) Properties, Run, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web Settings,Recovery
C) Properties, Run Options, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web, Recovery
D) Properties, Run, Resources, Input Parameters, Environment, Web, Recovery

Q4. 'Generate Script' is in which tab of Test Settings (File->Settings) window
A) Properties
B) Resources
C) Web
D) Recovery

Q5. For each object and method in an Expert View statement, a corresponding row exists in the Keyword View.
A) True
B) False
C) There is some problem with the statement.
D) None of above

Q6. The following are the four main columns in the Keyword view
A) Item, Operation, Value, Comments
B) Item, Operation, Value, Documentation
C) Item, Operation, Property, Documentation
D) Number, Operation, Value, Documentation

Q7. You can work on one or several function libraries at the same time.
A) True
B) False

Q8. You can insert additional steps on the test objects captured in the Active screen after the recording session.
A) True
B) False

Q9. The Active Screen enables you to parameterize object values and insert checkpoints
A) True
B) False

Q10. A QTP user can increase or decrease the active screen information saved with the test.
A) True
B) False

Q11. The toolbar enables you to view the details of an individual action or the entire test flow is:
A. Testing toolbar
B. None of the above
C. Action toolbar
D. Test Pane

Q12. The key that is used to Start/End analog recording mode ?
A. F3
D. F10

Q13. QuickTest supports virtual object for analog or low-level recording.
A. False
B. True

Q14. To use a specific property to identify your object, but that property is not listed in the properties list. Then how do you identify that object?
A. Add the specific property to the list
B. Use the Default property
C. Use some other property to identify your object

Q15. The checkpoint used to check the alt attribute exists for all relevant objects (such as images) is
A. Database CheckPoint
B. Accessibility checkpoint
C. Bitmap checkpoint
D. Standard checkpoint

Q16. Bitmap checkpoint is supported in VB environment.
A. True
B. False

Q17. Can we parameterize the checkpoints properties?
A. No
B. Yes

Q18. What is the shortcut key that is used for a Standard Checkpoint?
A. F12
B. F2
C. F10
D. F7

Q19. Can we change name of checkpoint?
A. No
B. Yes

Q20. To compare the values of the specified property during a run session with the values stored for the same test object property within the test.
A. Checkpoint
B. All the above
C. Output Value
D. Compare the object property

Q21. You will use which recording mode for an object not recognized by QuickTest?
A. Low-Level Recording Mode
B. Normal recording Mode
C. Analog Mode

Q22. The statement that calls the recorded analog file is:
A. RunAnalog
B. CallAnalog
C. ExecuteAnalog

Q23. An action can be called by other tests or actions is:
A. Call Action
B. Split Action
C. Reusable Action

Q24. You can replace the page in your Active Screen tab:
A. False
B. True

Q25. QuickTest adds a checkpoint statement in the Expert View as:
A. Check Checkpoint
B. Checkpoint

Q26. A Checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows application is:
A. Accessibility
B. Text Area
C. Standard
D. Text

Q27. In ACTIVE X environment, an ACCESSIBILITY checkpoint is supported?
A. No
B. Yes

Q28. Can we get the execution time for an action in a Test?
A. Yes
B. No

Q29. Can we add external library files in QTP?
1. No
2. Yes

Q30. The method used to get data from HTML Table is
A. GetData(Row,Col)
B. GetRowValue(Rowid,Colname)
C. GetCellData (Row,Col)