Friday, November 25, 2011

How Visual Relation Identifiers works in QTP 11.0

Visual Relation Identifiers will provide a method to identify a object based on the neighbour object identification properties. This works to the power while working with webtable class in web based applications. We can define the visual relationship identifiers, which can be set in both local and shared object repositories.
How Visual Relation Identifiers Work:

If you want to identify and click on a class ‘WebCheckBox’ present in the same row where the main identifier ‘employee ID’ WebElement is present. Add the employee ID WebElement to QTP object repository, and add one ‘WebCheckBox’ class object without any identifications properties. Click on the visual relation identifiers button and provide and select relation details (left and check the horizontal checkbox and click on ‘OK’ button. Now drag the ‘WebElement’ class into QTP IDE and execute the statement, it will check the desired check beside that expected ‘Employee ID’.
It identifies the object based the related object we map to the VRI object, we can specify the 3 different relational details to the both objects based on its position: Left/Right (or) Above/Below (or) Closest to X, Y/both axis.

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